Monday, December 10, 2018

Integration of Cake build script with TeamCity

Cake is a great tool for organizing a delivery pipeline for your application. I like it because it lets me to write the pipeline using C#, the language I know well. The great property of Cake, PSake and other similar frameworks is that they allow as to use the same building script on a local development machine and on CI servers. Here I'll explain how to integrate Cake with TeamCity.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Gathering context information for logging

When you write messages to your logs, sometimes it may be useful to add context information. For example, if you write information about some error, you could also include input data in some form, to be able to reproduce the problem easily. Here I'll show how to gather this additional information.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Adding documentation into ASP.NET Web API

When you provide Web API, there is a question, how to inform a user about all its abilities, about the syntax of requests, etc. Usually, you should create some available Web page, where you discuss these topics. But wouldn't it be great, if the Web API itself provided access to the documentation?

Friday, February 9, 2018

Handling JSON errors in OWIN Web application

Somу time ago I wrote an article, where I discuss how to find typos and usage of obsolete properties in JSON body of a request. The described technique required providing a handler of Error event of the JsonSerializerSettings object. The problem is that this object is shared across all requests to your application, but we need separate handling for each request. In this short article, I'll describe how to do it.